Loyd Grossman Balti Curry Sauce has 166kcal (calories), or 690kJ per Half a jar (175g) contains serve. Use the Nutrition Facts panel below to see nutrients and other food energy values:
Nutrition Facts
Amount Per Selected Weight
Total Fat (g)
6 -
Saturated Fat (g)
0 -
394 -
Sodium (mg)
327 -
Alcohol (g)
0 -
Cholesterol (mg)
0 -
Total Carbohydrate (g)
8 -
Dietary Fibre (g)
2 -
Sugars (g)
0 -
Protein (g)
Food Search:
Food Details
There are 394 kilojoules, 94 calories, 5.9g fat, 8.2g carbohydrates, and 1.2 grams of protein per 100g of Loyd Grossman Balti Curry Sauce.
Loyd Grossman Balti Curry Sauce Ingredients and Allergens
Onions (33%)
Tomatoes (19%)
Red Pepper (8%)
Tomato Purée
Green Pepper (4%)
Rapeseed Oil
Curry Paste (Sunflower Oil
Ground Coriander Seeds
Ground Cumin Seeds
Garlic Powder
Ground Cassia
Ground Turmeric
Tomato Powder
Onion Powder
Turmeric Extract
Ground Ginger
Ground Cayenne Pepper
Ground Fennel Seeds)
Garlic Purée
Ground Spices (Turmeric
Cardamom Seeds
Fennel Seeds
Fenugreek Seeds)
Concentrated Lemon Juice
Coriander Leaf (0.5%)
Modified Maize Starch
Sea Salt
Dried Chilli
Cumin Seeds
Other Food Information
Balti Sauce
For recipe ideas and inspiration visit www.loydgrossmansauces.co.uk
One of your 5 a day**
**Half a jar serving equals 1 of your 5 a day.
Balti Sauce
For recipe ideas and inspiration visit www.loydgrossmansauces.co.uk
® is a registered trade mark. Produced under licence by Premier Foods Group Ltd.
A spicy blend of tomatoes, red & green peppers and herbs
Chilli rating – Med – 2
Suitable for Vegetarians
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