Laila Basmati Rice has 279kcal (calories), or 1187kJ per One Serving (75g as sold) contains: serve. Use the Nutrition Facts panel below to see nutrients and other food energy values:
Nutrition Facts
Amount Per Selected Weight
Total Fat (g)
1 -
Saturated Fat (g)
0 -
1495 -
Sodium (mg)
39 -
Alcohol (g)
0 -
Cholesterol (mg)
0 -
Total Carbohydrate (g)
0 -
Dietary Fibre (g)
0 -
Sugars (g)
0 -
Protein (g)
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Food Details
There are 1495 kilojoules, 351 calories, 0.5g fat, g carbohydrates, and 8 grams of protein per 100g of Laila Basmati Rice.
Laila Basmati Rice Ingredients and Allergens
100% Basmati Rice
Other Food Information
Basmati Rice
Our rice is perfect for many dishes. For some tasty recipes visit us at:
We use only the finest quality Basmati grains, packed with natural tasty goodness
Basmati Rice is perfect for curries or as an accompaniment to any meat, vegetable or fish dish. It's aged to intensify the flavour and taste. It's naturally packed with vitamins and minerals, so an excellent choice for those seeking a healthy diet.
Basmati rice is free from cholesterol and super low in fat and sugar. An excellent source of carbohydrates, it will keep you full, give you bundles of energy and help you stay in tip top health.
Basmati Rice
Our rice is perfect for many dishes. For some tasty recipes visit us at:
Aged to Perfection
Original basmati with a delicate aroma and delicious taste
Perfect for all rice dishes
Naturally gluten free
Suitable for vegetarians
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